Ciencias de la Educación

Ciencias de la Educación

Escuela y medios de comunicación

Rocio Quintero Gil El lenguaje es un instrumento mediante el cual se recogen las experiencias y el conocimiento. Es además la forma como se establece la interacción con el otro. Esa comunicación posee una intención, que en general es la de manifestar mi propia interpretación de la realidad o emitir [...]

Emergency Remote Teaching: A Diversity of Remote Resources

Romario Aranda Rodríguez Ensuring learning continuity has become an increasing issue due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It is particularly important the fact that many educational institutions in Colombia opted to cancel all face-to-face classes. As a consequence, teachers, students and families faced digital challenges in terms of digital skills, as [...]

Supporting Children’s English Learning at Home

Angie Paola Vargas D. One of the biggest concerns of parents who are not (usually) bilingual deals with the way to help kids when learning and reinforcing English at home. This is parents’ challenge especially when they do not master the language to support their kids’ learning, or think they [...]