Ciencias de la Educación

Ciencias de la Educación

Edición abril de 2021

It is time to become producers of contextualized knowledge

Jhonatan Vásquez-Guarnizo   The Colombian Ministry of Education (MEN) launched the now-familiar National Bilingual Programme (Programa Nacional de Bilingualismo, PNB) in 2004, which was designed to run from 2004 to 2019, and expected “to have citizens who are capable of communicating in English, with internationally comparable standards” (MEN, 2006, p. [...]

La vorágine de hacer un “en vivo y en directo de la escuela”

Andrés Leonardo Rey Barbosa   El episodio histórico al que acudimos con la llegada del COVID 19 es evidentemente una develación de los múltiples problemas ocultos tras la apariencia de normalidad de la realidad precedente. La pandemia expuso, entre otras problemáticas, la fragilidad del sistema de salud, el espíritu despiadadamente [...]

Education without boundaries: Setting an inclusive classroom

Astrid Natalia Rojas Torres   One of the most challenging situations we have currently faced in the world has to do with the pandemic of COVID-19. We could realize the inequality and barriers we have in the world in terms of   accessing to quality education based on the diversity we [...]